I am also linking up with the Kacey from Doodlebugs teaching for Five for Friday.
Since I have a bunch of pictures to post I am going to rock this party the way that Michelle from Apples and ABC's would ~ hashtag style.
#1 #LoveWorkingWithTheseLadies #MySummerGig
#2, 3 #FacilitatingWorkshopForTwoWeeks #BlogPostComingSoon
#8 #MathSnacktime #AdditionProblems
#9 3DSnacksReady
#10, 11 #MyFavoriteSEACraftivity #LiteracyConnections
#12 IFinallyGotMyA/CFixed #A/CIsNeededInFlorida!!!!
So there you have 12 random pictures from the 12th of the month.
Most of these pictures where taken during the SEA lab workshop. This has been such a FANTASTIC experience and I promise to post about it soon. During our debriefing session on Wednesday I discussed where I find many of my ideas for the classroom ~ Pinterest, Instagram and blogs. When one of the teachers asked me to name some of my favorite blogs I hesitated because that's like asking me to pick my favorite Sting song ~ ummmmm trust me. . . we'd be here all night. So in an effort to shine a light on some of my all time FAVORITE blogs, I'm bringing back Super Hero Saturday. Be sure to swing by this summer to read about some of my all time favorite bloggers. If you would like to read some of my past posts click HERE and HERE and HERE. Hope to see you next Saturday. Well I'm off to plan for SEA Lab. SHINE on everyone.

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