The rules for this party are simple, re-post one of your old posts. The idea behind this party is pure GENIUS. With all of the craziness of the school year I am sure that I have missed some great posts from some of my favorite bloggers in Blogland. This party gives us a chance to re-read some of these great ideas.
Super Hero 2 is one of my favorite blogs to check out when I need a good chuckle and a great idea. Kelley is so super talented and always puts a smile on my face. Her Rockin' Resources Linky Party is still one of my all time favorite ways to find new stuff for my classroom. The ideas that come out of that Factory of hers are so original and creative. Because of her blog, my kids will be participating in a Pen Pal exchange this year that I'm so excited about.
Super Hero 5 is another super sweet blogger who I actually met (click here for previous post). Caitlin's blog could be renamed "Caitlin Smiles" because she was so upbeat and positive and is willing to share so freely. If you are looking for some great common core activities for your classroom this is the place to check out. Because of her blog my kids are going to be learning All About Bats for the next few weeks ~ how cool is that?
Well there you have it, in random order. . . five of my all time favorite blogs. If you haven't visited these blogs go check them out, I PROMISE you that you won't be disappointed. Be sure to check back next Saturday (or Sunday) to see a list of some more of my Super Heros.
SHINE on everyone!
Speaking of Blogland, this summer I decided to bring back Super Hero Saturday. This is when I take the time to give a special shout out to some of my favorite blogs.
Today I am re-posting my first Super Hero Saturday post that I originally published on Sunday, October 14, 2012.
Well it's time for my very first installment of (insert loud super hero echo type of voice) SUPER HERO SATURDAY
I know, I know. . . when I talked about having a day to feature my blogging Super Heros (click here for post) I thought it would be called Super Hero Saturday but thankfully Saturday and Sunday both begin with the letter S so I can fudge my post a little bit this time.
Super Hero 1 is the very FIRST blog that I ever followed. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mrs. Parker. I started following this blog back before I even knew what following a blog meant. Back then I just knew Mrs. Parker had some really great ideas and showed lots of pictures of her classroom. The look of her blog might have changed from back then but the content is still FANTASTIC. Mrs. Parker's blog is still one of my go to blogs for all things kindergarten.
Kindergarten Blog
Super Hero 3 actually got me to make a meal this summer using asparagus for the very first time. . .no seriously, I cooked a meal WITH ASPARAGUS. Susan is so over the top fabulous and her blog is amazing. I have pinned so many things from her that I'm thinking of creating a board just for T.G.I.F. I just purchased her Creating an All About packet and I can't wait to use it in my class. I'm also going to be passing out her inventive spelling freebie to my parents at our upcoming conferences.
Super Hero 4 is one of the sweetest bloggers out there. Michelle has so many great ideas that she uses in her classroom. I just started using her 10 Frames Fall counting activity with my kids and they love it. This summer I emailed Michelle to find out where she purchased this super cute dry erase board and she offered to mail me hers for me to borrow for my class. . . see what I mean ~ how nice is that.
Kindergarten Blog
Kindergarten Blog

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