Five for Friday (Summer Edition)

Today is the official FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!!! I found out through Instagram this week that some stores already have their Fall and Christmas decorations on display but that is a whole different post. I am now officially on Summer vacation. . . can I get a woop, woop??!! My last day at school was on June 5th but I've been teaching a PD workshop for the past two weeks so I've still been in what my friend calls "teacher mode".  Today that came to an end, my alarms clocks are off, and my break is beginning.  With all of this time on my hands I actually can join up today with Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching for her party Five for Friday and I'm posting ON FRIDAY.
This week all of my pictures are from the SEA Lab workshop that I was teaching with these great ladies.  Every summer we get to work together and even though I am one of the facilitators, I always come away with some great new teaching tips.  I'll be posting about this workshop soon.
Here are my five pictures from SEA Lab this week.  Once again I'm rockin' this party the way Michelle from Apples and ABC's would ~ we're rolling these pictures out hashtag style.

#LabelingPartsOfAFish   #FishWearLipstick??? 
 #CoffeefilterJellyfish   #Cuteness
#LabelingPartsOfALobster   #ThankYouPinterest
#FamilyProjects   #HeWasSoProudHeColoredAllTheBlueHimself
#HowCuteIsThis   #LoveTheScubaDiver
So there you have a sneak peek into my week. If you would like to see some more pictures from our workshop, you can find them on Instagram by clicking HERE.  Use the hashtag #SummerSeaLab (all lowercase) and you will see some of the other pictures I've posted over the past two weeks.  

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for Super Hero Saturday.  All summer long I will be posting about some of my favorite bloggers. If you would like to see my previous posts click HERE and HERE and  HERE.  I hope to see you on Saturday. Well I'm off to enjoy my first day of freedom. SHINE on everyone. 


  1. Woohoo! Just found your blog through the linky and am now following along! Wow it must have been hard to finish school... then stay in teacher mode for another two weeks! I know I'm knackered by the time the end of the year rolls around (which isn't until December 19 for us- I'm in New Zealand)

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem


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