I think this is such a fun way for you to learn a little bit more about me. Here are my answers to Ashley's questions this week.
1. What is your shopping weakness?
I spend A LOT of money on my classroom. Over the years I've learned to slow down a bit but if I'm in the Dollar Tree and I see something I "need" for my class, it's going in my cart.
2. What is your food weakness?
I love desserts! Cookies, cakes, pies, ice-cream you name it and I like it. My pinterest board is out of control with items that I want to make (click here to see).
3. What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on?
I don't really watch movies. When nothing is on I can usually find an episode of NCIS to watch or a Golden Girls marathon to keep me occupied.
4. What is your go to breakfast food?
I'm still working on this. If you asked me a few weeks ago I would have said I have a slimfast shake for breakfast every morning but after having a kidney stone a few weeks ago, I've been trying to cut back. Any suggestions for something quick and easy? The key word is quick because it seems I am ALWAYS running late to work?
5. Do you drink coffee? If so, how do you take it?
I don't drink coffee, lately I've been trying to have a bottle of water in the morning before school.
Well there you have it, another quick glance into my life. If you would like to see my other two Sunday Socials click here and here. Well I'm off to do some laundry.
SHINE on everyone.

We share the same weaknesses!