My personal goals 1. Stay connected with my friends. I can't say this enough. . . my friends ROCK. During this crazy hectic year they have been my lifesavers. My goals is to REALLY make more of an effort to call / txt message / email / Skype / FaceTime with all of my friends who have moved.
2. Continue organizing my school items / projects / paperwork etc. Am I the only one who feels overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork there is in teaching??
3. Leave work at a reasonable hour 3 out of 5 days during the week (it's crazy that the custodians are leaving on some nights before me).
2. Continue organizing my school items / projects / paperwork etc. Am I the only one who feels overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork there is in teaching??
3. Leave work at a reasonable hour 3 out of 5 days during the week (it's crazy that the custodians are leaving on some nights before me).
Downtime - This year I want to try to enjoy my downtime by doing something that I love ~ hanging out with my friends and family. I already have a few road trips and mini vacations lined up for this year that I'm looking forward to.
My blog goal - I like Amanda's goal for this (click here to read her post). . . I need to figure out a good format for me to use to read all of the blogs that I follow. Sooooo many blogs, such little time. I'm still trying to find the best way for me to keep up with everyone's posts ~ any suggestions???
I'm also linking up with Michelle from Making It As A Middle School Teacher for her Linky Party.
Well there you have it. 13 things that I am looking forward to in 2013. Thanks for reading through my linky-pa-looza. If you want to join in on the fun be sure to click on any of the blue links above. Thank you for a great 2012. Have a safe New Year. . . talk to you in 2013.
SHINE on everyone
Well there you have it. 13 things that I am looking forward to in 2013. Thanks for reading through my linky-pa-looza. If you want to join in on the fun be sure to click on any of the blue links above. Thank you for a great 2012. Have a safe New Year. . . talk to you in 2013.
SHINE on everyone

Hi! Found your blog through Michelle's Linky a Year in Preview! We have the same technology focus. We are just getting an IPAD in our classroom in January. I am anxious to use it and I really want to include it in as many areas as possible! I would love to hear about your ideas for your IPAD! I'm also your newest follower!
Live Learn Teach for Life
I am so anxious to see how everyone uses their iPads in the classroom. I have only one, but I really want to see how it can be used. I can also totally relate to the cluttered desk having to go...mine is a MESS!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your resolutions! I'm a new follower!
Craft of Teaching
I like your blog goal. It is hard to keep up with so many great blogs out there. Have a wonderful new year!
First Grade Found Me
That is QUITE a linkypalooza you've got going on there! Way to go, managing to be involved in everything without having to post 3 different blog posts basically saying the same thing! It shows me how organized you are, and how hard you work to get everything on your very full plate done!
ReplyDeleteI'll be keeping an eye on things here to see how the clean-desk-project is going, as I need to work on that myself!
Mme Aiello @Teaching FSL
Thanks so much for linking up! I'm going to try "subscribing by email" again to those blogs that I want to make sure I don't miss (it seems to be working this time...I think my other email address was spamming them) and then I'll catch up on all the others once a week or so using Google Reader or Feeddler on my phone. We'll see how well it works!
Teaching Maddeness
Thanks so much for linking up and joining in the fun!
ReplyDeleteYou've got some great plans for the new year. Best of luck with them!
Making It As A Middle School Teacher
I'm going to try the email suggestion for keeping up with blogs, too. Great idea!
Pitner's Potpourri
Okay, your personal goal #3 is a MUST for me! I am usually the first one at my school and the last one to leave. The worst part about it is that I drive to school in the dark and drive back home in the dark! So sad! You have inspired me to leave my school a bit earlier two days a week! Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDelete-The Frizz in First Grade
a Thảo Mộc SV là thảo dược được nghiên cứu bởi Viện Khoa học Ứng Dụng Y Dược Phương Đông kết hợp cùng Công ty Cổ Phần Thảo Dược Thiên Nhiên Việt Nam phối hợp sản xuất. Thảo mộc SV gồm các loại dược liệu quý hiếm được sản xuất trên dây chuyền hiện đại tại nhà máy đạt chuẩn GMP. Thảo Mộc SV là giải pháp hữu hiệu giúp giảm nguy cơ mắc các bệnh viêm nhiễm, viêm đường hô hấp do vi khuẩn, virus gây ra.