I love talking to my students about Earth Day.  This month I added a recycling can to our classroom and I have been encouraging my students to look for items in their lunch boxes that we can recycle.  Every day it makes me smile when I come to pick them up from the cafeteria and they are holding up empty jello cups, lunchable trays and water bottles.  They really get a kick out of adding these items to our recycling can. Below is a picture of one of the projects we completed to celebrate Earth Day (as always, thank you PINTEREST).

A close up view of my door

Come on...how cute is this??
Hmmmm, I guess I did manage to sneek in just one more Dr. Seuss activity after all.

As much as I hate to do this...it's time to say so long to Dr. Seuss.  Our kindergarten classes spent the entire month of March celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday.  I decided long ago that it is just too hard to try to cram everything into just one week, let alone one day so Dr. Seuss was loose all month.  I thought I had cute ideas before but that was my pre-pinterest life.  Below are some of my favorite pictures.

Wacky Wednesday - wearing mix matched clothes to school
Star-Bellied Sneetches with stars upon thars 

Daisy-Head Superstars - look closely to see the flowers growing from their heads

How cute is this????  THANK YOU PINTEREST!!!   

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